Wherever you are is a good place to start

The resource hub to spark and boost your journey
Discussion between co-workers
Designing a strategy for your workplace?
Along with our research partners, we developed a cross-disciplinary blueprint on how to kickstart and enhance your workforce behavioural health strategy that is sustainable, scaleable, and proactive.

A sneak peek on what you will learn:
  • Mental health 101
  • The comprehensive guide outlining key ingredients — from a stakeholder mapping to tips on inclusive messaging
  • An evaluation of existing solutions
  • How-to on incorporating digital approaches

You're in good company

See how we help our partners on their unique challenges. Regardless of whether you are just starting your behavioural health journey, or experiencing big or small waves in life, we are there to ride it out with you.
Learn why 86% of employees signed up for Neurum's wellness app and why PALO IT entrusted Neurum Health with their first mental health initiative.
Learn how PAL looked to Neurum Health to successfully launch its first mental health initiative internally to a majority Chinese population.
Coming Soon
Learn how we partnered with a Fortune 500 insurance company and integrated with their existing platform to promote mental wellbeing all across Hong Kong.